
VO2 Max Test with Krista Schultz

I have a confession...I just started using my heart rate monitor in November. After training and racing since 2004...I decided it was time. I was pretty unsure of what my training zones were and went off formulas I found online or asked others...I figured this was not the best way because everyone is different. So I decided to go in for a VO2 max test with Krista Schultz at Total Performance Inc.

Why VO2 Max Testing?

Planning and individualizing your training program is a key element in maximizing your training time and improving performance.

The VO2 max test results data reveals measurements showing the rate at which ventilation increases. It also determines the point at which lactic acid builds up in the blood steam during progressive exercise via a rise in carbon dioxide production. In addition the test shows the point at which your body is using fat as the primary energy source and the point where carbohydrates are the key energy source. With all this metabolic information the lactate threshold (LT). The LT represents a switch in energy systems, it is basically the body's shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. It is crucial to establish training heart rate zones based around your lactate threshold. Vo2 max measures the amount of oxygen consumed during exercise. When it is measured at maximal effort, it is called Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2Max). VO2max or maximal oxygen consumption represents the maximum amount of oxygen in milliliters, one can use in one minute per kilogram of body weight. The VO2 Max is the gold standard for measuring cardio fitness. The more fit you are, the higher your VO2 Max. Your heart, like any muscle, becomes stronger the more you exercise it. As you become more fit, your heart pumps more oxygenated blood with each beat.

So from what I understand...

This test is also used to determine my Efficiency along with training or heart rate zones. As I am increasing intensity...my heart rate is also increasing...so a bunch of numbers are also being output which shows VO2 and respiratory exchange ratio (RER). When the RER goes over 1.0 and continues over 1.0 I am burning more carbs than fats and my LT is achieved. When I am at my max effort my VO2 max is achieved. Comparing the VO2 value at LT gives my Efficiency...or VO2 at threshold/VO2 at max.

The Test:

The process usually lasts around 10 - 15 minutes depending on the individual. The athlete wears a mask with sensors attached to a metabolic analyzer so that respiratory gases can be measured (Oxygen uptake, Carbon Dioxide production, and total volume). A computer then processes all of this data, which is able to calculate the amount of oxygen the athlete uses (or VO2) at various exercise intensities. A detailed and highly accurate report of your metabolic profile and the status of your cardiovascular fitness as well as your training zones will be compiled after the test. Keep in mind this data is useful for about 3-5 months as LT will change in relation to heart rate as fitness increases. Testing your VO2 Max (volume of oxygen at max effort) reveals your metabolic profile, which tells you a story about your energy expenditure and provides you with accurate heart rate training zones to individualize and effectively maximize each exercise session.

I tried to take it easy the day before the test (easy swim) and tried to sleep in a little the morning before the test. I woke up feeling quite sluggish and ready to get moving. Headed out to Krista's lab in Baltimore. The gym was really welcoming and everyone was very friendly. I saw the contraptions in Krista's office. I got a bit nervous. Krista came out and greeted me...I felt better. I was going to be doing the bike test (the VO2 test can be performed for either biking or running). She put my pedals on the bike, which was hooked up to a computer and gave cadence, power, heart rate, speed. I got warming up as she explained what was going to happen. Then she got me set up with the head gear/mask/helmet contraption. eeeYIKES! haha. Got that in place and then she pinched my nose shut. ehh I won't lie...I was a bit uncomfortable...felt like I was going to start drooling all over the place. BUHAHA. She is talking to me and all I can do is grunt. good times. So we got started...she would slowly increase my resistance, while I was to keep my cadence constant around 90. I was doing a good job with that. After about 8 minutes I started feeling the burn. Maybe I was at LT. Krista was great! She was a really good support team telling me how awesome I was and how well I was doing. After about 10 minutes I had to stand on the bike...I was becoming really tired and my heart was going crazy..."Almost done...30 more seconds!"...Krista kept saying. Finally it was over. I was excited for the results!

The Results:

VO2 max = 51.8 ml/kg/min (average for my age is about 34.0...according to some charts my value is SUPERIOR! BUHAHA)
LT HR = 155 bpm
Effiency = 77%

Zone 1 = <122
Zone 2 = 122-138
Zone 3 = 139-144
Zone 4 = 146-153
Zone 5a = 155-158
Zone 5b = 160-163
Zone 5c = 164-171

Now that it is over I have the same feeling as after a race...what if I would have pushed it just a little more in the end!